Dedicated to drug development
At LBSP about 150 biomedical life science companies work together with research institutes, Leiden University and the LUMC are dedicated to the development of innovative drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and platform technologies.
Working together on research and development is our priority. Our residents on-site develop solutions for major health issues such as infections, HIV, arthritis, brain diseases, various types of cancers, Cystic Fybrosis and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Research themes at Leiden University and LUMC include bioscience, brain function and dysfunction over the lifespan, translational drug discovery and development, and vascular and generative medicine. Students too are introduced to the latest techniques at various research facilities, such as the NMR Facility and Leiden Center for Data Science. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) runs a special PhD programme focused specifically on drug development which strongly encourages entrepreneurship in students. Fresh talent you might want to employ or partner up with, ready for the future.