Join the Access to Market community!

The communities at the Leiden Bio Science Park are ever expanding, growing daily. Are you a service provider looking to help the LBSP grow with your services? Join the community now and be a part of a community that focusses on creating a one-stop-shop for solutions to LSH entrepreneurs problems. One place for IP-legislation advice, marketing services, website building and all other services the companies on the LBSP could ever want.

Community members will be invited to join sessions that revolve around setting up the shop, will join matchmaking sessions with entrepreneurs and be part of a visiting hour where entrepreneurs can share their opinions on the one-stop-shop.

Expand, connect, grow!

Get in touch with our Community Builder!

Community Builder

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Community Builder LBSP Foundation
Did you know? The new Biotech Training Facility consists of a spacious 2,000m2 capacity